Privacy policy
By registering for the webinar using the site (hereinafter the Webinar Site), the user agrees with the Privacy Policy. The organizer of the webinar, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Zamorsky (, reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy at its discretion. The user assumes responsibility for reviewing the updated version of the Privacy Policy, which governs the rules for registration for the webinar.
The main points of the Privacy Policy:
1. The organizer of the webinar collects some information about the user, which is personal, but the user himself decides how much to provide it.
2. The organizer of the webinar undertakes not to sell or provide personal data of the user to third parties under any circumstances, except in cases where this may be directly required by law (for example, at the request of the court).
3. The webinar organizer may use the user's personal information in order to contact him for the purpose of commercial offers, news, as well as other information of interest to users.
Please read the full text of the Privacy Policy.
Collection of personal information
The webinar organizer invites the user to provide certain personal information by choosing a convenient Viber or Telegram messenger. The decision to use such services or refuse them is made by the user. If the user wishes to use these services, the Webinar Organizer may ask him to provide personal data, such as name, e-mail address, telephone number and other information that identifies the user. Depending on the type of service, some personal information must be provided, while other information is optional. If the user does not provide the information necessary to provide a particular service, such a service will not be able to be provided.
By providing information to the Webinar Organizer, you agree that this information may not be sent outside the state borders of Ukraine, and is also stored and processed by the Webinar Organizer.

Use of personal information
The webinar organizer collects personal information about the user in order to assist the user in obtaining certain information or services. When the user enters his data, they become visible only to himself and the Organizer
To maintain confidentiality, the user is not obliged to provide us with information that may cause any inconvenience. However, the use of Webinar Organizer resources is not possible without providing some personal information, which is mandatory.
Use of cookies
In order to improve the site, the Webinar Organizer uses cookies to record (record) user visits. A cookie is a small file that is transmitted to a user's browser via a web server and can only be recognized by the server that sent it. Such files cannot be used as executable programs or to implement viruses. When you visit the webinar, the administration automatically becomes available information from the standard server logs. The connection between your IP address and your personal information is never disclosed to third parties, except as required by law.
Technical information about attending the webinar (impersonal) is also collected by the statistics counters installed on the site. This type of data does not allow to personally identify the user, ie his anonymity will be preserved, unless he himself provides the Organizer of the webinar with information about himself.
Privacy claims
If the user is of the opinion that the Webinar Organizer has not fulfilled its obligations to comply with this Privacy Policy, he may send a letter of complaint using the contact form.
The letter should describe in as much detail as possible how the Webinar Organizer, in the opinion of the user, violated the Privacy Policy. All complaints will be dealt with properly.
If the user does not agree with the Privacy Policy of the Webinar Organizer, he is not recommended to use his services.

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